Sitemap - 2021 - The Red Tape Chronicles

Criminals used her new home as a puppy scam headquarters

Facebook accused of enabling rampant fraud, claims 'immunity' in court filing

He stole her heart, then her identity then...was accused of a gruesome murder

Zelle hackers 'improve' their scam, pretending to be fraud investigators; banks often won't help

When the charity junk mail piles up, that's a red flag

Housing prices far outpace incomes -- even in smaller U.S. cities now

Newest Instagram hack threat: forced 'hostage' videos

Instagram account takeover hacks on the rise, ID theft organization says

Facebook solutions: There's plenty to discuss

Fix Facebook now: Let users opt-out of its addictive algorithm

Podcast: Facebook faces yet another grilling by Congress -- Will anything change?

Facebook internal research shows the company knows it's hurting people

Texas social media censorship ban -- a victory for disinformation?

Flight 93 memorial: ‘Is this all there is?’ — a story of grief transformed

Facebook earns billions from scam ads, lawsuit alleges

It's time to apply some people science to the vaccine hesitancy problem

Hear how an FBI agent conned a con artist

'If you don't send us money, I'm going to kill your mom'

Sunk cost: Don't 'throw good money after bad'

Worried inflation might kill your retirement? Read this

One click, 1,000 spies

Travel points can expire during a pandemic? You bet! Check yours now

Before we sit down for dinner, can I ask that you turn off your surveillance gadgets?

A mom goes missing; a daughter comes to the rescue

'Stop the hustle' - to fight ransomware, cryptocurrency must face its day of reckoning

Inflation? A little perspective is needed

Plane crashes are investigated. Computer crashes should be, too

Pipeline hack means higher gas prices ... and finally, focus on ransomware crisis?

Digital 'superhero' hacks scammers and has the video to prove it -- hear what makes Jim Browning tick

Covid contract tracing patient data leaked by employees via personal Google accounts

How do we combat 'Operation Infektion 2' in the age of misinformation?

Big Tech now officially on the hot seat

Get ready for a lot of pop-ups might enjoy

We arrived at this situation 'because there were no rules to stop it'

'The word slightly deceptive'

Why the collapse of the dot-com bubble led to the surveillance economy -- and the techlash

What's the original sin of the Internet?

Law enforcement scandal ended by 99-year-old's stirring courtroom testimony

As S&P 500 breaks 4,000 barrier, what can we learn from the Covid-19 "bear market?"

How a mailbox and 99-year-old woman ended Honolulu's biggest police scandal ever

The scammer called days after her husband's funeral

Can we uncover medical miracles without violating patient privacy?

Podcast: How Debbie left an online lover scam, with help from her son

Mom is giving all her money to a fake online lover -- hear her cry for help

You probably don't trust tech companies; but could you?

Vaccine 'Anyone Can Get it Day' moves from April to June. We should talk about that

How an email could cost you your home in a mortgage closing scam

Podcast: Listen to ID thief and her cast of characters fool consumers, banks

What is the original sin of the Internet?

Pet scams during Covid are big business

When will the U.S. get enough Covid-19 vaccine to stop the madness?

Podcast: Families ripped apart by guardianship disputes

The Perfect Scam podcast: Jonathan confronts the 'Irish heiress'

After the 'Sandy Hook of disinformation,' can the Internet be fixed?

Reality producer conned out of $100,000 by 'Irish heiress con artist' -- The Perfect Scam

The 'de-platforming' of Donald Trump and the future of the Internet

U.S. agencies blame SolarWinds hack on Russia. Now what?