Moms earn more than dads now: Why that's not all good
Pew reported May 29 that married women now earn more than their husbands in one-quarter of all households. This is an easy talker as a gender story, but the deeper truth about dual-income households is easy to miss. Take a brief moment to celebrate that which should never have been a question -- we're closer to equal pay for equal work -- but now contemplate the deeper truth about how this is ripping our society apart.
Moms earn more than dads now: Why that's not all good
Moms earn more than dads now: Why that's not…
Moms earn more than dads now: Why that's not all good
Pew reported May 29 that married women now earn more than their husbands in one-quarter of all households. This is an easy talker as a gender story, but the deeper truth about dual-income households is easy to miss. Take a brief moment to celebrate that which should never have been a question -- we're closer to equal pay for equal work -- but now contemplate the deeper truth about how this is ripping our society apart.